Program Information
Unfortunately, Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool has permanently closed as of May 25, 2024.
We thank all of our current and past families for their patronage over the last 22 years.
We wish the best to their students.
Carrie Magner
Owner & Director
Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool
Carrie Magner
Revised 7/26/2023
We are licensed for 20 children in each class, with a staff ratio of 1:10 as required by the MN DHS. The Minnesota Department of Human Services telephone number is 651-296-3971. The age of children we serve is three through five years.
Time of Operation
The school year begins the first Monday after Labor Day and runs through the Friday before Memorial Day. Our school calendar will be distributed at the beginning of the school year.
Our 2023-2024 program offers the following sessions:
Tues., Thur., 2 day Preschool,, most suited for 3 & 4 year olds (must be 33 mo. by 9/12/23)
9:00 – 11:30 am – $636. Per 3 months
Mon., Wed., Fri., 3 day Pre-Kindergarten, most suited for 4 & 5 year olds
9:00 – 11:30 am – $861. Per 3 months
Mon., Wed., Fri, 3 day Pre-Kindergarten PLUS (must be 4 years old by 9/11/23)
8:30- 11:30 am – $1,032. Per 3 months
Mon., Wed., Fri., 3 day afternoon “Little Explorers” S.T.E.M. program, can be added to a 3 day morning class to make it a full day program or you can register for this class as a separate afternoon class (must be 4 years old by 11/30/23)
11:45 – 3:00 pm – $1,032. Per 3 months
Class Descriptions
2 Day – exposure to age appropriate*goals, practice with teacher guidance through a thematic curriculum. Includes two yearly assessments. 2.5 hours
3 Day Pre-Kindergarten – further and more in depth exposure with higher expectations of *goals, practice with teacher guidance, through a thematic curriculum. Includes two yearly assessments. 2.5 hours
3 Day Pre-Kindergarten PLUS – same *goals as 3 Day, but include 4 rotating centers of 30 minutes which there are 2 literacy centers and 2 math centers. One of each literacy and math center is led by a teacher. While at one of each literacy and math center the students practice skills independently to assess their transfer of knowledge. Students are introduced to kindergarten curriculum furthering their academic skills. Includes three yearly assessments. 3 hours
“Little Explorers” afternoon S.T.E.M. program can be added on as an additional program to the student’s morning session to experience a full day program or students can register for this program as a standalone session all by itself. This program can help to prepare student’s stamina for all day every day kindergarten. This program allows students to explore further in depth, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as literacy, art and music. Students will experience eating their own lunches, brought from home, with their peers just like in Kindergarten. 3.25 hours
*All of Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool’s programs meet or exceed the Minnesota State Standards for preschool and will prepare your student for success in Kindergarten.
*Bright Beginning Goals can be found under our Philosophy and Goals on our website at
Fees and Tuition
A non-refundable registration fee of $ 130. is due with the enrollment form. Tuition will be collected every three months and will be due 15 days prior to the start of each trimester. Tuition past the 15th of the month prior to being due, will be charged a $10. late fee. Non sufficient funds will be charged $30. per occurrence. No refunds will be made for absences. A two-week written notice is required for withdrawal of your child from the program either at the parent’s request or the schools. Our continuing expenses make it necessary to charge tuition to hold a place in the event of a prolonged absence. Tuition and fees can be charged to your credit/debit card for a convenience fee of 3%.
The school does not provide transportation. The parent or guardian is responsible for getting the child to and from school each day. A class list will be provided in the fall to assist you with arranging carpools. The Preschool must have written notification of carpool arrangements or if anyone unauthorized will be picking up your child.
We urge you to dress your child in comfortable play clothes. It is helpful if the child’s clothing is easy for them to manipulate so they may assist themselves in dressing. Children should be prepared to go outside, particularly in the fall and spring. We enjoy incorporating the outdoors or environment as part of our curriculum.
Field Trips and Events
Field trips and events will be held periodically during the year. You will be notified in advance, in the Bulletin of the date and place of the field trip or event. A field trip permission form will need to be signed prior to each field trip in order for your child to attend. Parents may volunteer to chaperone on field trips and events. A bus will provide transportation for field trips.
Open House
An Open House will be held on Wednesday, the week before school starts for families of registered students. You will receive a letter in the mail prior to this date, informing you of the time. At Open House, you and your child will have the opportunity to visit the classroom, meet the teachers, sign up to chaperone field trips, and plan classroom holiday parties, gather all paperwork pertinent to the school year and turn in any required forms you have completed.
Parents are always welcome in the classroom at any time. If at any time you would like to view our policies, procedures and program plan you are welcome and may do so by contacting the Director.
Two regular conferences are held during the school year. There will be one conference in the fall and another conference in the spring. A written progress report will be given, in the fall and at the end of the year, to the parent. Children are assessed in intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. There will be a third written assessment for all students enrolled in the 3 day pre-kindergarten PLUS class during the spring conference. In addition, parents are encouraged to visit with their teachers should there be any concerns. The better the communication, the better we can serve your needs.
A mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack and drink will be served daily. The children will have the opportunity to take turns bringing enough nutritious snacks and 100% juice or low-fat 1% milk for their class. These items must be unopened and store bought. State regulations do not allow us to serve homemade food. Occasionally we will do some special cooking with the children in class. If your child has food allergies, please make it known to their teacher.
Individual and group pictures will be taken once during the school year.
Please check your child each day for signs of illness and keep him/her home if you suspect he/she is ill and will expose others. If the child becomes sick at school and it is not an emergency, we will have him/her rest on a cot and contact the parent to pick up the child. If a child is diagnosed as having a contagious or reportable disease, the parent must notify the school or director within 24 hours so information may be passed on. If your child has any of the following symptoms, please keep your child at home.
Fever —————– 99 degrees or higher before fever reducing medication
Diarrhea ————– 2 or more cases in a 24 hour period
Vomiting ————– until vomiting has stopped for a 24 hour period
Rash —————— unexplained rash
Chickenpox ———— about 6 days after onset of rash
Conjunctivitis ——– (pinkeye) needs 24 hours of treatment
Contagious illnesses — Strep throat, impetigo, etc
Lice —————— until treated and no lice or nits are seen
COVID ————— Tested Positive: Stay home for a minimum of 5 full days from the date symptoms started or the date you took the test if you don’t have symptoms. After 5 days, if symptoms have improved and you have been fever-free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours, you can return to preschool, but need to continue to wear a mask around others for another 5 days.
Emergency Medical Procedures
In the event a medical emergency occurs while your child is in our care, the staff, which is First Aid and CPR Certified, will attend to the injured child immediately. If necessary we will contact you right away or if it is minor we will inform you at the end of the day. If there is a major accident, 911 will be contacted. Any medical conditions your child may have, should be brought to the attention of their teacher.
Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool does not administer medication, except in an emergency situation. Written parental consent and written physician approval is required before we will administer emergency medication.
The following forms are required on or before the first day of school:
– Registration Form
– Emergency Card
– Permission Form
– Immunization Record
– Health Care Summary Form (within 30 days of starting school)
– ICCPP Form (for students with allergies only, request form from school/teacher)
Pets are only allowed by obtaining prior teacher approval. Pets will need to be brought by a parent and kept under their supervision. The pet needs to leave with the parent when the program is done.
Behavior Guidance
The staff at Bright Beginnings will work with the children to encourage respect for the teachers, the other children and the property of the preschool. At the start of the school year we will discuss the rules and proper classroom behavior. Our staff is not allowed to use corporal punishment (spanking, hitting, etc.), verbal or emotional abuse (name calling, shaming, etc.). The staff will deal with the behavior in a firm, fair and friendly manner. If unacceptable behavior occurs (hitting, biting, etc.) our staff will request that the child stop the behavior, our staff will then redirect the child to a different activity. If the incident continues to occur, parents will be notified.
Our preschool will comply with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act. At no time will smoking be allowed in or around the preschool facility.
Our program will work with other professionals on special needs situations or assist with any referrals.
Parent Grievance Procedure
Parents may contact or leave a message with the director anytime and a meeting will be set up within 48 hours, or at the parent’s earliest convenience to discuss issues or complaints. The teacher may be involved in the initial or subsequent meeting as deemed necessary. A written report of the decision or action will be presented to parents and all others involved within one week of the grievance meeting.
Each class will be led by a qualified teacher and will be aided by an assistant teacher or aide. Each year staff members are to complete a recommended number of continuing education credit hours in the area of child development required for State Licensing. Our staff is also trained in First Aid and CPR appropriate to the age of the students as well as having training in Abusive Head Trauma. Each staff member has been given a background check and has met the standards defined by the State of Minnesota. All staff are required to be mandated reporters. The State of Minnesota licenses our program, and the local Fire Marshall and the Health Department inspect the premises. The school receives their Health Care Consultant Services from the MN Child Care Health Consultants.
It is not policy to participate in any research, experimental procedures, or public relations activities. If, however, an appropriate opportunity should arise, we would send home advance written notice and parental consent forms, which would need to be on file before children participate.
Average Daily Morning Schedule
20 minutes Arrival, large motor play, free choice
30 minutes Group-time, greeting song, pledge, calendar, weather, show and tell, group discussion
60 minutes Themed project, learning areas, small motor activities and free choice, clean-up time
20 minutes Bathroom, wash hands, snack and clean-up
15 minutes Circle-time, cognitive emphasis from unit, games, music, science
15 minutes Story-time, dramatic play, review of the day, good-bye song, dismissal
Average Daily Optional Additional Afternoon Schedule
30 minutes Arrival, wash hands, lunch
20 minutes Large motor activities with simple organized games
30 minutes Small motor, student lead literacy, teachers lead math and writing skills
60 minutes Themed project, free choice learning areas, science and art, clean-up time
20 minutes Literacy focus
20 minutes Bathroom, wash hands, and snack-time
15 minutes Music & movement, review of the day, dismissal