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February 2022 Bright Beginnings Bulletin

We did not receive enough Firefly Scholastic Book Order Forms this month to distribute to all students.  Those who would like to place an order can do so by going to, click on book clubs at the top, under “Welcome” click on connect to teacher, enter class code: H3Q86 click submit, then create an account or sign in if you already have an account set up, and place your book order. Orders need to be in by 2/4/22.

We will be celebrating our Valentine’s Day parties on the 10th & 14th.  Students can pass out Valentine Cards to their friends at school during the party.  Please have your child sign their name on each of their valentines (this is good practice for writing their names, hint: do a few each day.)  They do not need to address them to each classmate.  

The 3rd trimester tuition is due on or before February 15th.  2 day is $588.00, 3 day Pre-Kindergarten 9-11:30 is $795.00, Pre-kindergarten PLUS 8:30-11:30 is $957.00, and Little Explorers afternoon class is $957.00.  Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool’s Tax ID number is #03-0455877, for families who need this information for tax purposes.

The field trip we planned for February 17th & 18th has been cancelled due to COVID.  I know it sounds like this is a broken record, but we are very hopeful that our field trip in May will take place, especially since it is outdoors. 

February 21st there will be no school due to Presidents Day.  

During the last week of February 28 – March 4, our theme will be Bedtime Stories.  Students are to wear their PJ’s to school and bring their favorite stuffed animal to preschool on March 3 & 4.


Deep peace to all, your Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool Staff

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Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool 2021/22 COVID Protocol

The Health Department of the State of MN has updated their recommendations to COVID. Below is BBCP’s updated Protocol to reflect the State’s of MN guidelines.

Please read carefully to understand each situation to make the decision of what applies to your student in the various situations. If you have any questions, please let us know.

● If your preschool student tests positive, they will need to stay home for 5 days from the day the student tested positive and are fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hrs and symptoms are improving. After isolation, the student will have to wear a mask for the remaining 5 of the 10 days from testing positive.

● If a preschool student tests positive, but has NO symptoms, the student will have to stay home for 5 days from the day they tested positive. They should also wear a mask for the remaining 5 of the 10 days after testing positive.

● If your vaccinated preschool student has had a close contact with a student/person who has tested positive in or out of the classroom, they will not have to isolate unless they are showing symptoms, but should wear a mask for 10 days from exposure.

● If your preschool student has had close contact with a student/person who has tested positive in or out of the classroom, and your student was wearing a mask, your student will not need to isolate and stay home, but should continue to wear a mask.

● If your student has had close contact with a student/person who has tested positive in or out of the classroom, and your student was not wearing a mask, your student will need to isolate and stay home for 5 days and can return if showing no symptoms. A PCR test is highly recommended before returning and student needs to wear a mask for the remaining 5 of the 10 days from exposure.

● If your student has had close contact with a student/person who has tested positive in or out of the classroom, and your student has previously contracted COVID, your student does not have to isolate if they were or were not wearing a mask. Your student has natural immunities for 90 days from the time they tested positive.

At BBCP masks are not mandated, but highly recommended. If you can get your child to wear a mask, the teachers will do their best to have them wear them during class. This way your student will avoid missing classes if exposed.

Bright Beginnings is trying our best to keep our staff, students, and their families as healthy as we can. We pray that one day this will all be behind us and be just a blur in our memories. Thank you for all you do to help keep our families healthy and safe.
